ACS-UK TWIN Project (The TWIN Project) is a joint project ACS-UK and ACS-KENYA; ACS-UK is an award winning business and employment, training and consultancy Social Enterprise /NGO with branches both in the UK and Kenya.
The TWIN Project purpose is to provide a link between the UK businesses and public sector organisations to our African counterparts with the aim of promoting innovation and good practice through joint ventures.
Africa is an emerging economic superpower and many investors are now interested in investing in Africa more than ever before. The aim of this project is to prepare African continent for the economic boom and at the same time introduce the new markets to the new investors through a variety of initiatives.
The project therefore aims to alleviate some of the current challenges experienced by international trading partners of parity in technological advancement and quality of services.
This can be waived if a new approach of forming trading partners who can go beyond business and run other associated complimentary projects aimed at lack of win-win approach in which business is undertaken between buyers and sellers with buyers most times taking advantage of the seller for maximum profit.
The aim of this project is therefore to create an avenue for developing a long- term community- based win-win relationship between organisations and to create a mutual relationship that envisages shared values between the buyer and the seller.
This approach not only promotes mutual relationship but also guarantees a win- win situation where none of the partners feels exploited.
The approach also aims to share good practice and technology to help boost output for greater achievement between the business partners.
Aims and Objectives of The TWIN Project:
- To link / bring together business partners who share same values and interests for business, education or cultural exchange programmes.
- Run sponsored business seminars and workshops for members.
- Undertake joint business / charitable ventures with a shared vision.
- To carry out joint researches and feasibility studies for future programmes.
- To initiate ‘twining’ between public sector organisation for joint cultural, educational and technological activities.
- To promote good practice among members and to uphold fair trade ethos.
Opportunities available in taking part in Twin programmes:
- Hundreds of government tenders and funding opportunities directly to your email, and on website and other social media huddle on daily and also on monthly newsletter.
- Free business advise on local taxation and other government legislation’s by qualified personnel.
- Platform to meet like- minded individuals to network and source for partnerships and other related services to support your venture
- Annual membership renewal means every member is checked for compliance before application is accepted.
- A code business of ethics for membership that can be revoked at anytime of code is breached means our easy marketing to potential clients.
- Free publicity on websites where all approved contractors are published.
- Members only business visits/ workshops/ seminars.
- Members only arranged pre- contract details/ negotiations.
- Corporate Social Responsibility from supporting worthy causes for local people.
- Abroad business trips and seminars arranged with potential clients.
Individual member benefits:
- Peace of mind working with vetted businesses both local and international.
- Opportunity to meet with prospective contractors and discuss the individual needs before bidding process.
- Opportunity to see similar projects before making up their minds.
- Arranged foreign trips facilitated by local industry experts.
- Free advice on best options for rendering opportunities.
- Variety of business contractors to choose from.
- Local youth / people guaranteed to fill at least 50% jobs created.
- At least 2.5 % of Proceeds by individual contractors donated to support the charitable work of DCP- Kenya.
- Free access to contractor background and previous authenticated similar work.
- Guaranteed value for money for the services provided or the member company risks being struck off.